a couple of days ago, sitting so happily in a little coffee shop in boise with a wonderful friend, the realities of life hit me-- my meter was about to run out and in that moment nothing was more important that adding an extra quarter. a quarter that meant fifteen more minutes of bliss and comfort and familiarity sitting across the table from me, warm belly, sweet treat in front of me- the best. i ran outside, shiny coin in tow, only to find a nice guy pushing the 'extra 20 minutes' button on my meter for me. walking his bike up the sidewalk (right pant leg rolled up, messenger bag-- yummy!) he had noticed that my meter was out and the meter-reader was on her way to write my ticket. all i could do was thank him. jaw to pavement, eyes nearly teary- thank him for being a good human being. and all he had to say in return was, 'but be careful when you push this button, if the reader sees you they give the car an even bigger ticket.'
this wasn't an extraordinary act, no lives were saved; it was a little thing.
but in this deed i remember how important the little things are.
it's the little things that inspire BIG things.
and it's the big things that change lives.
my hope is renewed :) the people of this world... they are good, if we only give them the chance.