Wednesday, March 18, 2009

why community garden?

Imagine creating a place where every kind of person feels welcome. Everyone walks through the gate just as they are, digs in the dirt just as they are, and changes the world . 

Cultivate a better quality of life for all who enter the community garden, walk by on the street, or receive nourishment from the food grown within them.

Sow the seeds of community. In a neighborhood or city the garden provides a place for people to develop community, and forms a catalyst for social interaction. Involvement in the community promotes feeling responsibility for its well being and a safer town blooms. 

Reap the lessons learned. Teaching children in the garden sets them up for a lifetime of healthy living. When you educate a parent they become a teacher for their children. Whether parents are learning about nutritious eating or organic gardening, the impact is infinite. 

Experience the happiness of a family that has food on their table. Especially in these chaotic times a basket of vegetables goes a long way. Gardening can make a great contribution towards financial security and also heals one’s soul as they experience the therapies of working with the earth and the success of seeing a tiny seed become sustenance. 

Tend the earth. Gardening has a great effect on the environment. By working in the garden individuals become aware of the difference that they can make. In witnessing the growth that happens in the earth we learn about our own growth, the conditions that we need to live, and the way that life prospers. We learn about a little world of plant and animals and insects that we don’t consciously interact with on a normal basis. 

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