Wednesday, October 8, 2008

welcome fall!!!

ive had this conversation with several people. it seems to come up often. not sure why exactly. but, it only gets truer and truer.

im really lucky. sometimes i feel like a clown on a trapeze. there is this lofty safety net ready to catch me if i should happen to fall. it's there always, just waiting. i cant even imagine life without it.

in my life, my parents, my home community, my family are my safety net.
because of the comfort that they have given me, i have the gumption to walk out on a ledge and to take a risk. i know, without any doubts, that the people i love are going to catch me no matter what.

my security blanket, my harness, my helmet and knee pads. thanks for letting me have some spunk, cool people in my life. i owe ya a big one.

on a totally different note...
who wants to see this??? i do! yes, handmade, YES!

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