Thursday, September 25, 2008


this is the life... a beautiful patchwork quilt of lettuces, kohlrabi, radishes, etc. in the seed garden. take a look at those colors! isn't it amazing? seeing growth in the gardens this year has been a tremendous learning experience and inspiration to me. planting a tiny seed and watching it slowly become a plant that nourishes the earth and our bodies is an amazing thing.
magical, really. i sure am going to miss this.

(click on these to make them bigger)

i have been creating a lot lately.
painting, drawing, writing-- and it feels really good.
more to come :)
i really believe that creating things for other people is an act of pure love... adoration and appreciation. at least, in my experience that's the way it is.
to create art for another being is to give them a piece of my self.

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